Welcome to
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization
A non-profit community-based organization that is committed in addressing the immigration, integration, education, health, housing, social service, culture, and economic development needs of Somali Canadians and other immigrants in Canada through programs, service and advocacy.
Who We Are
The goal of S.I.A.O is to ensure that all service users, regardless of race, gender, colour, country of origin, or length of residence in Canada have equal access to social services, education, employment, skills training and other relevant programs.
We meet the goal by providing individualized programs that are designed to meet the personal goal of the service user. These programs include: Settlement Counselling, Job Placement, English as a Second Language and literacy classes, Advocacy, Information and referral, and interpretation services for clients.
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization is dedicated to providing quality and inclusive settlement support services to newcomers.

What We Do
Youth Opportunities
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization provides youth between the ages of 15-29 with employment opportunities through partnerships with Canada Summer Jobs, Tropicana, and COSTI.
Mental Health
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization’s Mental Health program provides clients with free support and implements different social assistance programs, and community services.
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization provides a lifeline of needed services for newcomer communities in the Greater Toronto Area. The settlement program is designed to assist immigrants and refugees in overcoming barriers.
French speaking immigrant and refugees can study, work and access social services in French. If you wish to access French language training and/or French settlement services in your area, please visit:
Find free newcomer services near you.
Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter:
Obtenir des services locale et gratuits pour les nouveaux arrivants
Our Services
Mental Health
SIAO’s Mental Health program provides clients with free support and implements different social assistance programs, and community services.
Youth Settlement
In extension to our existing settlement program, SIAO has incorporated services directly targeted to newcomer youth aged 15-24 years old.
Health and Nutrition
Health and Nutrition is a coalition of six agencies working together to support the health and development of children aged birth to 6 years in the former City of York.
Farhia Mohammed Ali
I came to Somali Immigrant Aid Organization for LINC school, but I also got help with my families Permanent Residence application. I am very happy I found this organization.
Fathiya Ibrahim
The Settlement staff at SIAO is very helpful. I have been coming to this office for the past five years. They are very experienced individuals.
Maxamed Gure
Thank you very much for your presentation. I really like how you explain how to get jobs & volunteers; you did a great job yesterday and hope everyone get advantage of it.
Together we continually strive to understand how these values should determine our behaviour and strengthen us as we pursue our vision.
Our Funders